
Two things you have to keep in mind when using rft:

  1. rft doesn’t launch a terminal automatically for you, so, if you don’t have a tmux session attached yet you’re supposed to run rft in the terminal (rft ss or rft lp).
  2. rft caches the last tmux session/window you have switched from, so it automatically pre-selects it in the rofi prompt, except if you are in a different workspace, where rft assumes that you probably want to switch over to the same session/window you were before/that is currently opened.

I recommend that you have shortcuts with control modifiers for rft, so if you always have a tmux session running, it’s going to be really fast to find this session and switch to it. For example, I use these key bindings on i3wm for launching rft:

bindsym $mod+y exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft lp"
bindsym $mod+e exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft ss"
bindsym $mod+w exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft sw"
bindsym $mod+Shift+d exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft ks"
bindsym $mod+Shift+w exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft kw"
bindsym $mod4+g exec "$HOME/.local/bin/rft sw --global_scope false"


If you have pip3 installed with the –user flag the executable will be in ~/$HOME/.local/bin/rft.

The first three are the ones that I use the most. They’re for loading a tmuxinator project (lp), switching to a session (ss) and switching to a window globally (sw). So, I set some keys that are near my home row. If you want to check all rft actions available:

❯ rft
Usage: rft [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  RFT (rofi-tmux) switcher.

  --debug BOOLEAN  Enables logging at debug level.
  --help           Show this message and exit.

  ks  Kill tmux session.
  kw  Kill tmux window.
  lp  Load tmuxinator project.
  ss  Switch tmux session.
  sw  Switch tmux window.
  v   Print version.


Watch this screencast to see rft in action: